10th September 2022

International Brigade, Glasgow Commemoration

The now annual Glasgow Commemoration for the International Brigade took place on the afternoon of Saturday 10th September at the La Pasionaria statue on the north bank of the River Clyde. The event, organised in asociation with the International Brigade Memorial Trust (IBMT) saw a crowd of between 80-100 people gathered to comemmorate those who fought and died in the Spanish Civil War fighting the fascist Franco regime from 1936-39.

Speakers on the day included Mike Arnott; Scottish Secretary of the IBMT, Sean O'Neill; YCL and Gordon Martin, Scottish Organiser of the RMT trade union; who's speeches were all very well received by the crowd. A poem written by an International Brigader was read followed by the laying of wreaths at the foot of La Pasionaria and ended in a minutes applause to remember those who lost their lives fighting fascism.

The people of Iceland were extremely welcoming and kind, as well as very eager to introduce me to their healthy cuisine. 

International Brigade Glasgow Comemmoration

Remembering the fight against fascism

9/24/20221 min read