We are the Greater Glasgow Branch of the HOPE not hate UK campaign. Although autonomous from the national campaign, we follow and stand for the same principles which are challenging racism and fascism within the Greater Glasgow area.

The group was founded in September 2012, mainly as a direct response to an upsurge in fascist activity on the streets of Glasgow from far-right groups. We are non-politically aligned and are a democratic not-for-profit organisation with a Committee elected to direct and co-ordinate local activities and events. All members are voluntary and give their time free. We work closely with trade unions and the labour movement in raising awareness of and challenging fascism and racism. Each year a ‘Programme of Work’ is produced by the Committee which details our aims and objectives for the year ahead.

Greater Glasgow HOPE not hate have had the full backing of Glasgow City Council since December 2012 after a motion proposed by Councillor Bill Butler was passed unanimously by Council; the first Council in the UK to do so.

What We Do

Our founding meeting was held at the Scottish Trades Union Council’s offices in Glasgow and since then we have sought to raise awareness of challenging intolerance by holding public meetings, film screenings, leafleting communities, campaigning against the far-right, working with trade unions, attending trade union marches and rallies in addition to attending multicultural events.

HOPE not hate believes that long term community involvement is key to breaking down racist attitudes and plays an integral part in challenging racism.

In October 2013, the group embarked on it’s first campaign against the far-right Britannica Party who were standing a candidate in the Govan Ward, City Council By-Election. Public leafleting sessions helped ensure that residents knew exactly what the Party stood for and that it’s members were involved with the racist BNP. As a result, the Britannica Party only returned 19 votes; finishing second bottom of the list.

Get Involved

We are always looking for help from like minded people willing to give up as little or as much time as they can afford to help us with our activities, events and campaigns. Please come along to one of our next events or alternatively drop us a e-mail using our e-mail at the bottom of the page or by using our contact form.